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Design Workshops -
discover the potential of
your product

Reduce risks in projects, solve real problems and create innovative solutions thanks to design workshops.

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How do we find answers to the questions that are critical to your business?

We offer design workshops tailored to
the different stages of product development.

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Scoping Session

Scoping will help you to plan your budget and make sure that it’s the direction you really want to go.

How does it look in practice?

We define the scope of the project, the aim we want to reach and
we shape business ideas into real plans.

An ideal project team:
  • Product Owner - a person responsible for making decisions on the client-side
  • Project Manager - a person coordinating the whole project and facilitating communication
  • Software Engineer - an experienced backend developer who will bring in his/her expertise to the project
What you have:

a prototype or wireframes or just an idea for a product

What you get:

analysis of technical opportunities, initial project estimation, scope definition

How much time we need:

*depends on a project scale 1 day in-house, 1-2 days online session (4-6h)

Tools we use at this stage:

Miro, JIRA


We organize different workshops depending on the project status and your business needs to make sure we have the perfect understanding of your expectations.

Discovery workshops

At the discovery stage, we define the target group (product personas), the problem you want to solve and we get to know the broader context of the product.

An ideal project team:
  • CEO/Product Owner - a person responsible for making decisions on the client-side
  • Project Manager - a person coordinating the whole project and facilitating communication
  • UX/UI designer - a person responsible for product design
What you have:

an idea for a product or a prototype that lacks a strategic roadmap

What you get:

a well-defined set of your business goals, a precise description of your core target audience, and a draft of an MVP

How much time we need:

*depends on a project scale 2 days in-house, 2-3 days online session (8-12h)

Tools we use at this stage:

Miro, JIRA, Mural, Lucid, FigJam

Business workshops

We focus on your business model and the value your product brings to the audience.

An ideal project team:
  • CEO/Product Owner - a person responsible for making decisions on the client-side
  • Project Manager - a person coordinating the whole project and facilitating communication
  • Business analyst - a person able to identify and define the solutions that will maximize the business value
What you have:

an idea for a product with missing functionalities and (possibly) a business canvas

What you get:

in-depth business analysis, a defined market value of your product and business model canvas (if needed)

How much time we need:

*depends on a project scale 1 day in-house, 1-2 days online session (4-6h)

Tools we use at this stage:

Miro, Typeform (interviews), HotJar, Pencils, Piece of paper, Whiteboards, Sticky notes, Markers

Design Sprint

A five-day workshop to answer crucial business questions, plan the essential features of your product and enhance co-creation within the team.

  • Day 1.
    Understanding of the design problem
    Setting up long-term goals, challenges, and our main goal.
  • Day 2.
    Collecting insights about the user needs, business needs, and technical capabilities.
  • Day 3.
    Decision Making
    Project discussions, voting, and the creation of an action plan.
  • Day 4.
    Product Prototype Development
    Transferring ideas into connected wireflows and building the product prototype.
  • Day 5.
    Testing & Validation
    Verifying solutions with potential users.
An ideal project team:
  • Product Owner - a person responsible for making decisions on the client-side
  • Project Manager - a person coordinating the whole project and facilitating communication
  • UX/UI designer - a person responsible for product design
  • Software Engineer - an experienced backend developer who will bring in their expertise to the project
  • Sales Representative - a person who has direct contact with the client
  • Marketing Manager - lead generation expert
  • Moderator - leading the discussion on the project
What you have:

a complex product that requires validation

What you get:

verified product hypotheses based on research and clickable prototype (Lo-FI) tested with real users

How much time we need:

5 days in-house, 5-7 days online session (24-30h)

Tools we use at this stage:

Google Analytics, Miro, Sketch (UX maps), Crazy 8

Workshop tools

We utilize the right set of tools for each workshop type.

  • bulb above  laptop symbol
    Lean & VP canvas
  • peronal document symbol
  • graph symbol
    User Journey Mapping
  • brainstorm symbol
  • notepad symbol
  • cards symbol
    Card sorting

Schedule design workshops

Take part in workshops designed specifically for your needs. Create a product that’s coherent with your business vision with the help of our UX/UI specialists.

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